So here is the problem: My english is too posh, neat and clean for a short story I'm writing... The language I usually use when I write is pretty "high-class" (in lack of better words) and it doesn't quite fit for a female (ex army) mechanic that spends most of her free time with hunting all kinds of monsters... The story in itself is pretty good (in my opinion at least), I have planned it well and I have a good title, but the lines (or, well, the language in the whole text) just won't fit in my characters' mouths. What makes it all harder is that I don't have the vocabulary to write in the style I'd want it to be... I have acctually read some texts where I've really liked the style, but somehow I still can't get it right!
*sigh* I guess I'll just have to suck it up, try writing something (rewrite it a couple of hundred times) and then have someone read it and point out changes I should make...