
Don't worry! In the end it'll be fine!... I think...

Songstress Yuna (FF X-2)
I'm hopeless... and an optimist! I have a birthday party with a few friends coming up and I'm really determined to sow Yuna's Songstress outfit (with a few modifications here and there) to myself for that occasion... and learn the text to Real Emotion (FF X-2 intro song) and the choreography... in three weeks. Oh, did I mention that part of that time should be spent on sowing a dress for the larp Sandman: Seasons of Mist (6.5. a.k.a. less than two weeks away) and trying to complete another larp character (for Bland hökar, dundror och bjurgar) too?... Well, as always I'm going to play optimist! In other words: Yes, I will accomplish all that and hopefully even have time over!

I also started putting down yet another larp character on paper. Her name is Mirabelle de Noir and I'll be playing her in an upcoming larp, VETS 2 (Note: name NOT verified by GMs). Mirabelle in a nutshell is an ice queen that is the sole heir to her family's criminal network legacy.

- - -

Since I considered myself bored and lacking stuff to do I did a quick personality test (found via my friends blogg). Here is my result:

 Your personality type: "Dreamy Idealist"
Quiet, reflective and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people.

Careers that could fit you include:
Writers, artists, counselors, social workers, English teachers, fine arts teachers, child care workers, clergy, missionaries, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists, political activists, editors, education consultants, journalists, religious educators, social scientists.

Renowned persons with similar personality types:
  Albert Schweitzer, theologian, musician and physician 
  George Orwell, author and journalist 
  J.R.R. Tolkien, writer 
  James Taylor, singer-songwriter and guitarist 
  John F. Kennedy Jr., lawyer, journalist and publisher 
  Lisa Kudrow, actress 
  Mary, mother of Jesus 
  Peter Jackson, filmmaker 
  Diana Frances Spencer, princess of Wales 
  William Shakespeare, English poet and dramatist


How's life treating you? / Diasratensir update 1.0

I have been feeling really happy and energetic lately and that has also been seen in the progress I've made with stuff. I have sown clothes for myself to a larp and had my character finished about half way, but I managed to corrupt my file... But this time I had a spare copy, hah! Luckily I have most of the story memorized more or less so writing it again won't be such a pain! I've also read an ad where they were searching for actresses/actors for a swedish course that will have audition 4.5. and I have sent for the script in hope that I might get the female part!

I have also made a lot of progress with Diasratensir since I last wrote about it! Now all my planes and inhabitants have names, I have the gist of the info about them and Raezalsaran is as complete as it gets at this point. The planes are as follows:

Arenar is a place where all your worst nightmares and even worse things exist. It is a place with great cities made of pure black rock covered with almost fragile seeming ornaments and in flames. It's inhabitants, the Renir, are a people for whom pain and torture truly equals to fun and pleasure.

Lumeran has in time become only one gigantic city that covers the whole plane. It's streets and buildings have been built to perfection and shimmer with a light, silvery tone. The Merandir are no less perfect than their city, but of all the worlds secrets, these magnificent and royal creatures hold the darkest ones.

Raezalsaran is a place made of magic. If you ever find a map of this world it is most likely to be of no use, since it's inhabitants the Magus keep changing it to fit their needs. In Raezalsaran 15 magic schools exists and they are the only ones who can truly teach you to control the Powers. The Magus are a complicated people with even more complicated names, but still there seems to be something more than meets the eye behind them. The magicians have a strict hierarchy and on top of that is their glorious leader: The Power Whisperer.

The Everchanging is a complete opposite to the rule filled and complicated world of Raezalsaran. The Beings like to keep things simple, according to their own measures, but to an ordinary mortal these creatures of magic seem as stable as a leaf in a storm. Their home is a tree, larger than any the world has ever seen and will ever see. Beings seem to have no structure or rules, but there is one that they seem to respect and follow and that is the Treedancer.

Asephro is a dream that everyone thought never would come true. It is a plane made by man. It is completely made of metal and is kept together by Energy and the most gifted of the Galanyann engineers. The Galanyanns are descendants to the Magus and to the People. They are also a merry people whom drink and feast whenever they get a chance, but due to their excitement-craving hearts many end up as thieves and pirates, sailing in their airborn ships lead by the head of the Clan. The Galanyanns also seem to have a hard time to see the difference between a joke and a deathtrap.

Diasratensir is the world where everything had it's starting point. It has changed from it's original form, but it is still the home for the Peoples in all their diverse glories. Most of the world is covered by the High Sea, but there is one larger continent, Braermar, and many archipelagos. Diasratensir is alot larger than the planes and holds most of the living creatures ever born.


Mirror, Mirror on the wall

I look at the mirror
I look at the reflection
I look at the person staring back at me

She has seen good days
She has seen bad days

She has seen desire
She has seen despair

But she isn't that much of a stranger anymore

She isn't alone in the mirror anymore
I turn around and smile to the small crowd
They have made me to who I am

To them I whisper
A simple thank you


Treat with care

Sweet words in my ear

I hope it will not crack

Gentle touches on my skin

I hope it will not break

Gazes that tell more than words

I hope that it will last

Your lips against mine

My heart of glass is in your hands


Leap of faith

A maiden stands on a hill
Carefully thinking
Stretching her wings

She holds her breath and leaps
Hoping that there will be no need
For someone to come and catch her


I shall call thee...

Finally I feel like my world-creating-project is getting somewhere! I finally named it, so it's no longer the-world-I'm-creating now it's Diasratensir! I've also got pretty much the whole creation of it done (exept I haven't got it written down on tha computer yet) so soon I can start with the planes! There are a total of six planes: Lumeran, Arenar, Everchanging, the Magicians plane (still needs name), the Man-made plane (also needs name) and "the Earth" (which also still needs a name). There are of course long stories about their backgrounds, but since they aren't complete yet I'll tell about them later.


Not even the sky is the limit

With a pen, paper and creativity
Slowly, but steadily
A world is taking form

Magic and wonder without limits
Creatures and things,
That can be found no where else

Here even the sky isn't a limit
Who knows what way this road goes?


Another larp "survived"

So yesterday I were on a horror larp... It wasn't acctually as bad as I thought it would be! Yes, you had those "Omg! Thereissomethingtheremakeitgoawaymakeitgoaway!!"-moments, but otherwise it wasn't that bad at all. It was really fun overall, even though it got a bit frustrating (OFF) to be ignored all the time... But it kinda came with the character so it was managable. In the end my character did die at a bit unpreferable time (I was just about to run after a battery that was needed for a remote that would get the portal home to work with martyr style, a.k.a. just run through all enemies and pray that no one hits me), but that kinda stuff happens. I deffinetly think though that I would like to go on a horror larp again!


Don't be nervous it's just a larp...

So I'll be attending my first horror-larp tonight... I've kept myself pretty calm the last few days, but now I'm starting to feel restless and all that... I know it's just a game and that I can go OFF if it all just becomes too much, but that somehow would feel like letting the others and mostly myself down... And it really dosen't help that I've never watched a horror-movie, played a horror-themed game or anything else resembling for that matter. Oh, and did I mention that I get all paranoid and creeped out if it's dark? Well, I guess that I just have to suck it up and hope for the best!