Amnesia was a big success if you ask the GM!
Of course this is thanks to the players whom made it really hard to (try and fail to) keep a straight face... The characters that were present were: The manipulative player, the coward, the brute, the addict, the paranoid one, the freak show, the occultist and the emo. I also had two more in spare: The gymnast and the angel... But those two weren't as fun as the rest so I chose not use them... And my deffinet max number of players was 8, but now afterwards I do know that about six or seven is enough of players if I don't want to loose track over characters/players...
The background to the story was that a scientist was trying to find a cure for blindness. He had a theory that somehow the genes and DNA had something to do with sight loss. He firstly experimented on rats, but after a while he started to notice that the rats started to behave oddly. By accident one of the apprentices had let out a cat in the facility, but none of the rats reacted to its presence. Even when the cat attacked them (and by some reason always missed) they were calm and collected.
The reasercher of course wanted to know what had happened to the rats. He found a very exciting and fascinating thing. He had activated a gene that had become inactivate do to evolution that controlled an almost supernatural power. The rats had been so calm since they had known where and when the cat would attack and there for could move out o they way when necessary. The next thiught that struc the reaserchers mind was of course if this could be done on humans too.
The whole reaserch was moved underground by the state and the people that were experimented on never got to learn any details. In them was also transplanted a microship that would destroy all memories of the research and facilities if someone happened to escape.
After a few years the reasearchers noticed that the persons whom were best suited for the experiments were between 18 and 22 years old. So they started focusing on persons in this age.
At about the same time as they started focusing on those people they also started wondering if they could create a perfect human with this revolutioning information. The reaserchers adopted a girl from am orphanage to experiment on and after a while they got some results. The girl was almost perfect, her only faults were that she was mute and weak. The reaserchers found out some frightening facts about their reaserch too. The girls "power" was about creating, for all that she drew or wrote became real. In fear of something bad happening the reaserchers put her in a tanker and kept her asleep in there.
So that was the gist of the Amnesia background! I won't go into more details for now though... Some things are meant to be kept secret right?