
Midsummer nights

I just had a great Midsummer / Midsummer's Eve with my friends! What did we do?... Well: "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas and when we play this is Vegas". We had fun at least! I think I was the only one that was awake the whole night (ok, I slept lightly on-and-off for about on hour between 8 and 9 in the morning and woke up everytime someone walked through the room), but oh dear heavens it was worth it! The place we were at was next to a lake so the view was amazing, but it was absolutely magical that morning. The lake was covered by mist so that the other side of the lake and the horizon completely disappeared, but you could still see the sun through it, later on the mist slowly started to clear up and it turned into a bright sunny day. As I already said, it felt magical standing there watching the sunrise while the morning dew in the grass soaked my feet, it was really quiet and a just a handful of the company was awake. I watched the mist disappear from in-doors though, but it was still nice. I really hope that I will be able to catch that magic in some story later on... I also decided to take a walk in the morning sun, which took a bit less than two hours and was really refreshing! It was so quiet, except for the bird song, and so peaceful... If it wasn't for those bloody mosquitos it would have been perfect.
I also created a new character for a roleplaying game called Elementalist. Her name is Dawn Cole and she is an ice-cold an-order-is-an-order-type of character and her element is metal. I played her Awakening yesterday and I can't help feeling sorry for the lass... It started with her calling to her parents and brother in order to find out if they had any "jobs" for her, no one answers... Not that odd really, but she went over just-in-case to check on them (her parents and brother were neighbours, for the record) since you never know in this buisness (Yes, she and her family are more or less crminials). When she arrives the place is sealed off by rescue workers and the house is badly burnt... Everything she finds out is that there was a gas leak, a fwoom (the sound gas makes when ignited) and they are still searching through the debris. So she goes to hospital to wait for news and that ended with her identifying her family's burnt bodies, that she noticed had some gunshot wounds. When she comes home she manages to rip of the handle from the door and breaks the lock, so she just leaves to calm down a bit. She went for a walk in Central Park and there some Mr. Bright Guy takes her for a child, tries to make a move on her and manages to piss her of, so she cuts him in the arm (just to make a clear statement, not really meaning to harm), something says swisch and he runs off.  About the rest that happened, let's just say that she had a bad day that just went worse and worse and some wierd things happened to her.

I have also started playing in my friends Ghost In The Shell campaign! My character's real name is Layla Tsukada, but she calls herself Chou, has a full body cybernetic prosthetic and a few other goodies too. She is a drifting dare devil, a pretty laid back personality that likes to do things her way and craves for blood if any sorry idiot touches her racing bike. She had a pretty bad start too: She comes to her gangs hide out, its burning and when she calls her little brother she finds out that the gang (in her opinion) screwed things up and this is how things ended. Luckily the new base acctually was better than the old, so no hard feelings. Next my character takes on a simple job, get package from point A to point B as quickly as possible, but when she gets to point B they say that half of the amount they want isn't there. 20 minutes to get to point A, get the rest and back again, right no problem!... Long story short: A guy tries to run away with the bag at point A, I drive past and miss with my kick, turn around so I can try to side-swipe him of his feet and fail with my die roll. Ouch for both me (17 HP; 16 DMG) and the bike, about 8'000 yen in repair costs for me and about 3'000 yen for the bike. IN-game yen is worth more than euro currently ever has been, so we are talking about big money. I acctually managed to get the bike fixed, since I intimidated the contact that gave me the job to pay half of the repairs, but my character is still a mess (its was a close call that her cybernetics didn't start to show)... So I guess the next session will start with me begging for money for repairs, but accidents happens...

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