
Long time no typing...

Well, I'm just making a quick update on what's going on so that people don't believe I've quit... Not at all! I have continued on TCNS and made the decision to acctually write it as a novel.

I am also writing a new short story, just to get a break from all the "serious" writing. The short story will be called "The Messenger", at least for now. The story is about Parisa, an angelic messenger, whom works for ANXO. She is happy with her post, but believes that she would be of more help in some other part of the company, for example the Steel Wings. But she also knows that if somebody knew about her heritage she would get the sack, since she is a result of "an unholy union" between an angel and a demon. To others she might not seem different, but Ramiel, the CEO, knows about the powers that sleep within her. Powers that could be hazardous if not controlled and used properly.